We offer “Company Nurse” as a telephonic triage and claim reporting program.
A number of clinical studies conclude that day-of-injury response is critical. This program helps you achieve the best possible outcome by ensuring appropriate care is administered at the right time.
Our solution
Company Nurse is centered around a dedicated “on-call” nursing professional who responds on the day of injury. The triage nurse refers employees to the appropriate level of care: on-site first aid as advised by the nurse, a referral to a panel physician, or an emergency room visit.
Benefits to you
Company Nurse eliminates any paperwork at the time of injury by the employee, supervisors or HR/Risk Management by automating the process through the nurse. It also negates the need for supervisors to make medical treatment decisions for employees and appropriately places that responsibility in the hands of an experienced and capable triage nurse. Medical claim costs can be substantially reduced by redirecting an injured worker to appropriate care facilities when an emergency room is not necessary. The clinical outcome is often dramatically improved, naturally increasing employee satisfaction.